What internationalist communists want

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Palestine In Palestine, the Israeli colonial state is continuing its genocide of more than 2 million Palestinians who are held prisoners in the Gaza Strip. Colonisation, assassinations and imprisonments are… Read more »

CoReP Palestine letter to the L5I and OTI

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Dear comrades, While the attacks by Zionist troops in Gaza against the civilian population continue and the army and fascist colonists persecute and murder Palestinian civilians in the West Bank,… Read more »

“Building a new international today”
Discussion between CoReP, ITO, L5I, RSO
at the L5I Camp, Berlin, 15 August 2023

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Discussion between CoReP, ITO, L5I, RSO
at the L5I Camp, Berlin, 15 August 2023

CoReP Intervention Thanks to the L5I for the invitation to this Summer Camp and for giving us the opportunity to have that discussion. The profit-driven capitalist mode of production is… Read more »

Russian troops out of Ukraine! Down with the NATO!

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After the 15-16 July international meeting in Milan, the undersigned organizations agreed on the following manifesto. The Russian imperialism attacked Ukraine. Putin denied Ukraine the right to exist, he claimed… Read more »

Resolution submitted by CoReP to the Milan conference

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Decadent capitalism drags humanity towards barbarism The profit-driven capitalist mode of production is destroying the human environment. Economic crises are recurrent, each time leaving tens of millions more workers unemployed… Read more »