Letter to L5I

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Dear comrades,

Attached please the CoReP’s statement on the outcome of the US elections.

As you probably know, our French section, the Groupe Marxiste Internationaliste, translated your statement on the USA before the elections. Despite some differences, which were addressed in a brief preliminary note (the use of the term “the left” and the lack of a position on workers’ self-defense), we agree with the global orientation of this document of yours

We are convinced that in the current situation discussion and cooperation between the internationalist communist forces on the basis of a clear class line is more urgent than ever.

Our analysis of the US election result looks at both the domestic and global impact of Trump’s election and the Republican Party. We pay particular attention to the necessary break of the American working class and its organizations with the bourgeois parties (especially the DP) and the perspective of building a mass party of the proletariat living in the US. For us, this also implies a clear rejection of support for petty-bourgeois, so-called “left” candidates in elections.

If you agree with the line of our statement, we would suggest that you either put it on your homepage as we have published your statement or, if you have suggestions for changes, that we work out a new, joint statement on this basis.

We would also like to draw your attention to the manifesto of our first conference in October 2024, which you can find on our homepage or on the websites of our sections.

With best regards

For the IEC of the CoReP
