Only the socialist revolution can save humanity from barbarism
Declining capitalism heads towards barbarism
Recent years confirm some of the Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotsky’s scientific socialist analysis.
The 2007-2008 banking crisis in the United States and in Western Europe, the 2009 world economic crisis, the
recent public debt crisis in several European countries and in the United States are an illustration that capitalism necessarily leads to crisis and unemployment.
The recrudescence of protectionist measures and the competition between imperialist powers for the control of raw materials, of farmable fields and of freshwater exacerbate. The continuation of military operations in Afghanistan, in Iraq and now in Libya, the occupation of Haiti, the blockade of Cuba and of Iran, the recurring threats against Iran and against North Korea, the invasion of the Gaza strip by Israel in 2008, the French direct military intervention in Ivory Coast in 2011, show that declining capitalism engenders oppression and war.
The climate warming, the toll of pollution, the deforestation, the desertification, the oil catastrophe due to BP’s carelessness in the United States in 2010, the nuclear catastrophe caused in 2011 by Tepco’s negligence and by the complicity of the Japanese State, show that the rate to profit threatens the environment.
The rise of militarism, of xenophobia, of clericalism, of racism, the overdevelopment of the suppression organs, the attacks on democratic liberties, the persecution of religious minorities, the hunt against migrants, demonstrate that capitalism became anti-democratic and reactionary.
After the collapse of USSR and the restoration of capitalism in China, the establishment of a dynasty and the
starvation in North Korea as well as the dismemberment of the collectivized economy in Cuba, confirm that
socialism is impossible in a single country, especially if the latter is ruled by a privileged statist bureaucracy. Only the overthrow of such a pro-capitalist cast by the workers could save the revolution’s victories and open the way to socialism.
The regulation of capitalism and of finance is a myth. Banks rescue on the one hand, austerity for the workers on the other hand confirm that the State is not neutral, but is at the service of the bourgeoisie.
The policy of the new bourgeois ecologist parties and of the old workers’ parties (“labor”, “socialist” and
“communist”), when they faithfully manage the bourgeois State (in some countries in America, in Europe, in
Oceania) or when their members lead international capital organizations (like the IMF or the WTO), demonstrate that capitalism cannot be reformed. As a matter of fact, the strike of air traffic controllers was banned by the PSOE government which militarized the airports, in Reagan and Thatcher style.
In the imperialist centres, the masses resist but the reformist leadership sabotages
Everywhere in the world, there has been and there will be resistance against the attempts by the imperialist
bourgeoisie to have the burden of the crisis carried by the proletariat, the peasantry and the youth. The imperialist centres have been victims too. In the United States, the workers – mainly from Latin origin – demonstrated again against new anti-immigrant acts, and the civil servants in Wisconsin demonstrated for defending their jobs and their union rights. In Greece, the waged workers went on strike, demonstrated and sometimes faced the anti-riot police; in France, they massively resisted to the attacks against pensions; in Portugal they went on strike in the public sector; in Spain there were huge demonstrations. In Britain, students and then workers demonstrated. In China, protests against property developers and workers’ strikes for higher wages multiplied.
Not only all the defensive strikes of the working class and youth faced the fierce resistance of the exploiting class, its State, its government. Most often, the working class leadership, the union bureaucracies, with the help of the reformist parties and of their centrist assistants, appealed to the national interest, they pretended the negotiated with the bourgeois government, they capitulated on their threats, polices, tribunals, they refused to call for general strike and self-defense, they broke up the energy through symbolic “days of action”, or even hypothetic elections.
The world order is shaken in Northern Africa and in West Asia
Many workers’ struggles have occurred in the ruled countries, including Bolivia, South Africa and Bangladesh. The events on Northern Africa especially had a world scope. The revolutionary wave that started in late 2010 in Tunisia and spread all over the region had been announced with the Kabul movement in 2001, with the Palestinian resistance in 2008, with the demonstrations in Iran in 2009. The protests broke out against the unbearable living conditions provoked by unemployment and by rising food prices, against the inability of the national bourgeoisies to develop the country and against the despotic character of the incumbent regimes – whether they came from Pan-Arabic nationalism (Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, West Bank, Algeria, Saudi Arabia…) or from clerical nationalism (Gaza).
Stalinism, social-democracy and the liquidators of the 4th International had capitulated against the so-called “Arab revolution” and its bourgeois dictators. All the “socialist” regimes which pretend to unify the “Arab world” and to modernize their country not only oppressed the national minorities but they also accepted the colonial borders and they more and more capitulated against religion. History gave its verdict: in Tunisia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Yemen and in Syria, the masses decided to attack the Mafiosi dictatorships. Sooner or later they will do it in Algeria.
In Tunisia, Bourguiba’s follower, Ben Ali (member of the so-called “International Socialist”), was in relation with French imperialism. Colonel Nasser’s successor, Mubarak, is submitted with the American imperialism and collaborated with Israel. In Libya, Kaddafi has been in close ties with imperialism for more than a decade: privatization of firms, opening to Italian and American capitalist groups, hunt of Black workers willing to emigrate to Europe, on the behalf of the European Union. As soon as his dictatorship was set up, Colonel Kaddafi had forbidden the workers’ organizations, including trade unions. He had kept up the tribal system and had allowed a massive immigrant proletariat (one million in a 6.6 million population) to be fiercely exploited by the local bourgeoisie. In 1995 he expelled 10 000 Palestinian refugees.
In Gaza and in the West Bank a fraction of the youth challenged the two faces of the Palestinian bourgeoisie, despite their repression, in demanding the united action against the Zionist colonization which goes on in the West Bank and in Jerusalem.
The bourgeois army and the “transitional government” against the masses’ movement
Against the revolutionary rises that combine mass demonstrations with waged workers’ strikes in Tunisia and in Egypt, the American imperialism gave to the army headquarter the signal to destitute the hated despot and to prevent the solution of workers’ and peasants’ government with transitional governments composed with former dignitaries of the regime, with “democratic” opponents tied with imperialism, or even with Islamists who were renamed as “moderate” for circumstantiated reasons.
In Libya, when the masses got inspired from the neighboring revolts in Tunisia and in Egypt and rose up all over the country, including the popular areas in Tripoli, the French and British imperialism bet on a similar government. The “Transitory National Council” asked the imperialist for help. No organization defended the program expect by the urban and countryside workers and by a substantial fraction of the young people: constitutive assembly, separation of the religion from the State, union rights, restoration of the lands to the peasants, seizure of the big firms, equality for migrants, women’s emancipation… which have questioned not only the totalitarian regime but also the tribal survivals and the capitalist ownership. In front of the intervention of the NATO main armies, Kaddafi had some popular support restored, while Saudi Arabia, an absolute monarchy, an Islamic regime and a US partner, restored order in Bahrain, without people’s right being evoked by Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama, and while the Iraqi army just slandered the Iranian refugees in Ashraf camp.
In Tunisia, in Egypt, in Libya, the theory of the Permanent revolution was verified: in our time, the bourgeoisie is not able to play a revolutionary role. The laboring masses in cities and in the countryside, the young people fighting for a decent future, are betrayed by the bourgeois and by talkative petit-bourgeois who try to prevent them to get the power and to make them give up the fight. The State apparatus in general, and the army in particular, are beyond the classes, but it always is a device for the ruling class. The conscripts, the small peasants, the small shopkeepers, the craftsmen fluctuate between the main classes. They are ready to support the workers’ movement if it is able to open a perspective and to propose them a revolutionary leadership.
Against the imperialist intervention in Libya, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Haiti, Iraq, in Ivory Coast, for the proletarian revolution
Any oppressed country is allowed to resist the military intervention of the big powers. In order to help young people and workers in Libya, the workers in Northern America and in Western Europe absolutely cannot trust their own governments who all are on the service of the big capitalist groups, who destroy all the previous social conquests and who support the counter-revolution, the clerical monarchies and the worst dictatorships all over the world. They must demand that the born workers’ mass organizations, unions and parties, stand for the opening of the borders for workers and students all over Africa, against any military intervention in Libya and in the other countries in the region, for the immediate evacuation from Iraq and from Afghanistan, for the closure of American, French and British military bases in the whole Mediterranean basin, for the end of the blockade on Iran, for the destruction of the Zionist apartheid wall and for the right to return for all the Palestinian refugees. The resolute struggle of workers against their own imperialist governments would be the best support to the workers in Libya, for workers’ and peasant governments, for the destruction of the Zionist colonial State, for the socialist federation of Northern Africa and the Middle East where the Arabs, the Berbers, the Turks, the Jews, the Kurds, the Sahraouian, the Persians… will abolish together the borders inherited from colonialism.
The world crisis of the imperialist system, its wars, the ecological catastrophes, the antidemocratic regimes, show that the greed of capital led humanity before abyss. Only the workers can open the way to the socialist revolution, to an economy planned by the workers themselves, they can abolish the archaic borders. For that, the necessary device for victory must Capitalism means crisis, destruction of the environment and warbe constructed: a workers’ revolutionary party in every country, related with the others through a revolutionary workers’ international.